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Michael Reeves
Michael Reeves
2 months ago

Most certainly is sham trial and we appreciate with the people appreciate your show Graham.

Laurie Watson
Laurie Watson
2 months ago

We mean nothing, 20% unvaxxed, untested, with no help from the medical industry. No movement, AI taking out the good news. So no movement. We mean nothing, which means we die in the process. It’s not true this ends earlier than elections. Your media isn’t changing, no proof of arrest, take us down at all levels and see what happens. You loose your unvaxxed population. Y’all want all cyborgs. Y’all don’t give a damn what’ happens to your patriots. Nobody cares nobody believes this cause they are all robots.Your killing us with all these false predictions and dates. All the disappointments. Zim holder but that’s BS too. The only thing left to do is get vaxxed, and join the realms of a living hell and forget everything. Oh and the good vibes coming from the cell towers, nope not true either. Can’t even put food on the table. Your going to starve us out. No hope left in this endeavor. 4 years following and still it’s all the same. signed the entally insane.

2 months ago

HAve you actually LISTENED to Mike Gill
Be careful who you believe
Mike is on Michelle moore show more than Wednesday
Listen to today’s show

s alan
s alan
2 months ago

Great presentation.
I hope they get all the Satanic Masonic goons in all the small cities too!
Janesville, WI has a lot of members.

18 days ago

This post was not just informative but also very thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing your insights!

Karty pracy
17 days ago

You have a unique way of presenting ideas that makes your writing stand out. I learned a lot from this post. Thank you!

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