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7 months ago

What a wonderful story about the man who bought lunches for the soldiers on a plane! And yes, indeed, the check our veterans wrote at one time for up to their lives is what honor is about!

How sneaky of the Rothschilds to found a country and use the name of a much more ancient country NOT founded by the Rothschilds. Are they even HUMAN?

Woodrow Wilson was a snake in the grass, and (coincidentally?) a DEMONcrat.

The UN is about to become a gigantic coffin in what sense? Are most of the people involved going to be hanged? Is the building going to be destroyed by tsunami, earthquake, or bombs? Or simply filled with poison gas?

7 months ago

Could we know what new IQD rate the Iraqi Gazette announced? Or give us the date of the Gazette announcement, so we can find it ourselves.

Last week ONLY THE US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES took action against the CBCC. To have a law protecting us from the CBDC, the Senate and the alleged President will have to sign off on it. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. These days, one wonders if any rules are going to be followed.

The $33 Trillion US debt was PAID OFF, or WRITTEN OFF? Those are two very different things.

I guess the banks now being operated by the UST means that the daily warnings that banks are going to seize customers’ accounts (and customers should get their money out of banks) are mere fear porn.

7 months ago

Corporate America should never have been so tied to the US Government that it has to “brace” for a government shutdown. Their playing footsy with the government is partly why we are in the mess we’re in.

How shameful that AMERICA doesn’t remove the fraudulent Biden regime! Because we can’t or won’t, Saudi Arabia, a country still famous for lopping the heads off political dissenters and burning young girls alive in a school building to prevent a clothing infraction, is going to do it for us. What a sickening development.

Are we to understand that our national debt of $21 trillion was paid off in 2017, and in the six years since then the DC criminals have run up another $33 trillion debt? $5.5 trillion A YEAR? Stunning – hard to even grasp. Hang all of those responsible ASAP. Sell off their assets and distribute the proceeds to Americans who paid taxes during those years.

Bobby G
Bobby G
7 months ago

How much longer do we have to wait? It just seems that the ebs If all of this is true, keeps getting pushed back for a long time now.
I know only a few people know. When does this all end? I’m constantly battling against brainwashed indoctrinated people. Now it seems a race against time with the gold back. Currency in place and fema said enough. A new transmitter tower for the BS DS To use against we the people for a balls transmission transmission on october fourth,I’m praying this happens sooner than later

7 months ago
Reply to  Bobby G

I pretty much just stay away from people, with very few exceptions. It helps to be retired!

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired
7 months ago

damn it man im a disabled
vet you made me ball like a little baby thanks we all needed that!
thank you to all my fellow vets, active soldiers and mostly there wives and\families for the sacrifices they made and make before when on active duty and especially when we all get out completely fucked in the head!!! God bless all of you!! hooah! all the way airborne!!!

7 months ago

You should watch the Dinesh Desouza documentary Trump Card. A true wake up call for freedom in America.Our enemy is in the minority. We people have the power now to advance our freedom forward where we used to be before the IQ of the last generation was lowered through poisoned food and Tainted vaccines.

Sarah Stephens
Sarah Stephens
7 months ago

About October 4th and Tim Ballard: On the 4tg, turning your electronics off isn’t enough. Think Faraday. About Tim: calling M. Russell Ballard a liar is nothing but Tum proving Timself the liar.

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