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7 months ago

All corrupt roads lead to Democrats. Who do you think put Obama into office? And Bill and Hillary Clinton?

BRICS will control 80% of the world’s oil – THANK YOU, DEMOCRATS. Democrats stopped most of the drilling in this country, which has more oil than the much-touted oil giant Saudi Arabia.

Biden did this; Biden did that. That’s only IF he’s still alive, but it’s been reported for a long time that he was executed for treason at Gitmo about three years ago. Either way, it’s the DEMOCRATS who shut down Alaska oil production, and the DEMOCRATS who stopped natural gas from being moved by rail. Can we remove driving rights for DEMOCRATS to lower the demand – and therefore the price – of fuel? Oh, no! We have to stand by and allow DEMOCRATS to do as much damage to the country as they can, with no repercussions for them.

7 months ago

So either the Alliance will stop the Cabal before October 4th, or we will have the Cabal’s EMS on that date, probably warning all good communists that patriots are a grave danger to the country. It might be time for patriots to clean and check certain “equipment.”

If the Maui children are safe, why aren’t their parents publicly cheering? If their parents have not been told, why not? Leaving their parents in the dark would be as cruel as what the satanic leftist Deep State has been doing.

So ladies, are we going to have to hook up with a bunch of foreign men, or make polygamy legal in the US to keep our population high enough to keep the country going, what with boys being damaged by their mothers’ insistence on taking an experimental drug? This is another THANK YOU, DEMOCRATS moment.

7 months ago

If the Alliance doesn’t wind this show up until after America has been destroyed by the satanic elite DEMOCRATS (a group which includes RINOs), will Russia be as welcoming to refugees from America as the latter has been to all illegal alien invaders from anywhere?

Will IRS/income tax abolishment occur in time for us to avoid 2022 taxes? I’m not holding my breath. The only consolation is that we will be paying with worthless dollars. On the other hand, if those dollars were destined to be exchanged 1-to-1 for new USTNs … not such a good deal for US taxpayers. Again.

NESARA: New homes will be taxed at 14%, but existing homes will not? That would normally crash the new home market. Demand for untaxed existing homes would then skyrocket, and their prices would increase accordingly. Will overall prices of everything be lowered enough (reportedly to 1950/1970 prices) to render these things unharmful? Who knows?

7 months ago

We need another name for “rainbow” currency. That word has been hijacked by a destructive group that has tried to destroy the country through conflict and destruction of family values. It is too badly tainted to use for anything any time soon.

7 months ago

The bankruptcy of America initiated by Franklin Roosevelt. And he was what? A DEMOCRAT.

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