Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 24, 2022



Author : Judy Byington

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1 year ago

Hopefully all the requirements have been fulfilled and the arrests will start as Congress returns to Washington D.C. and those who did not follow their Oath of Office will have all assets confiscated and penniless face tribunal and death sentences.

Time for the EBS initiation, the information blackouts, no TV, no Internet, no radio just 10 days eight hours of movies on the EBS showing the evidence and martial law. Stay off the streets as the military stops the drone looters and doles out swift justice.

1 year ago
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100 percent correct.From all past coms.Any resistance will be met with Swift Fury. For the LTN crowd that knows “Little Than Nothing” This group of about 60 million people actually really know less than nothing about everything are fixing to see what happens when a few armed Patriots take their country back for them for no other reason than they signed up and took an oath to do so. The Military Came First.( DEREK JOHNSON) Some people had to get their asses smoked before these Patriots, marching night and day in bare feet through frozen terrain along with foot and leg amputations,some using crutches in freezing cold and hypothermia could get their Piece of Paper started before someone tried to take their Guns. Do you think anyone would be successful taking the Guns of these Heroes ? Do you think that was a great Idea ?

1 year ago

Tier4B is gong to be coming up my butt and out of my mouth @0400 and 32 seconds.

1 year ago

The Supreme Court judges get paid very well to do what is their job , why do they need our dollars to do so ? Con job is what I`m hearing as you stated yesterday we have recieved 8,000 letters so far , say what, to scouts via you people , more obvious bullshit !!

Paul A Coover
1 year ago

 I have theory about SCOTUS. They don’t want to fall into the hands of JAG, even on a bet. They like their necks too much.
Didn’t John Roberts adopt 2 children from Jeff Epstein?

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Robert Paton
Robert Paton
1 year ago

I am looking forward to all those TBN Traitors to be tried and executed! They birthed the 7 Year Tribulation Lie, the coming Antichrist Lie and has Christians around the world ready to do Nothing when they should be standing and fighting because they believe that when horrible things happen… that it is GOD’s will. Well, it’s not! Get off your butts and DO Something!
They trained Christians to mock those who challenge their ideas.
Institutions of lies hiding behind GOD’s Truth. Oh, the Deception!

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

Does everybody realize that in 2025 the tribulation starts the third secret of Fatima has come out and it said that the tribulation starts in 2025 so everybody keeps talking about this great reset where everybody’s going to get money in their bank there’s going to be a jubilee that’s all good but it’s only going to last 2 years and then everything’s going to go to pot they’ve already came out with the third temple they’re going to build in 2023 they got five red heifers they sent to Israel for the first sacrifice in the new Temple Pope Francis is already came out with a new one world religion called chrislam with all these events happening everybody should not get so excited about this money that everybody’s going to have remember the Bible says money is the downfall to all people that’s why the Bible says you can’t have two masters you can’t have money and the spirit of God with you cuz you’ll hate one and love the other we all know what people love the most is money because money buys them whatever they want takes care of whatever they want they’re no longer praying to the Father in heaven for help they just turned to their bank account and it pays for everything me I’d rather be poor on the street living in a tent and knowing that I’m walking in the faith of my Lord and Savior in heaven and I’m doing what I’m supposed to do not allow money to overtake my heart to allow the spirit of love to take over my heart which is the holy spirit of the father I’m just wanting to share this because everybody is getting so excited about this money that you keep talking about that everyone’s going to get but people keep failing to realize they’re two years away from the tribulation thought I’d share that with you I didn’t know if you knew or not and yeah I get frustrated sometimes and I say things and the only reason I do that is because I’m sick and tired of hearing that this is going to happen that’s going to happen and then nothing ever happens everybody’s been waiting 2 years for this Great Awakening all this information to come out to the public that’s why people are frustrated they’ve been waiting so long now they don’t believe any of it anymore the Patriots in my area don’t believe a word of it no more because they just think it’s a lie to tell the people that keep them calm so they can be arrested and thrown into concentration camps that’s what the Patriots in my area are actually starting to think they were all being lied to so they can come and take us away there’s even rumors that there are you in troops coming across the border and they’re putting them in motels and hotels across the US so when the next lockdown comes they can go right to the unvaccinated people’s doors and arrest them and throw them in camps can you check that out for us and give us an update on that because the rumor is that the Biden administration has you in troops coming across the border cuz they’ve seen them these clean cut kids with Great haircuts and in peak condition coming across the border and they know they’re not illegal immigrants they are un troops being planted in the US for the next lockdown now can you check that out and let us know what you think on that cuz we would like to know what you can find out and please is there a way people can find out when we’re actually going to see the ending of this movie or at least a time frame I know we will never know the exact moment things will come to an end but it would be nice if we could get a little hit of when we’re going to see this film come to an end I’ve got too much popcorn and I’m drowning in it so please bring it into this movie before I suffer Kate on my popcorn anyways God bless you Merry Christmas Happy New Year and thank you so much for all the information you have given us I know I’ve been a pain sometimes to you and I’m sorry I just get frustrated hearing this stuff and then sing nothing happen but I do enjoy listening to everything you put out and I’m so happy that you are doing this and next year I will be donating to your cause I’m just on Mont disability and I couldn’t do nothing this year but anyways God bless you God bless your family and have a happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

Yeah I thought that was supposed to happen today that we were supposed to see the EBS the emergency broadcast system come on it’s now December 25th and still nothing I hope it happens today I hope this movie comes to an end and we finally wake the rest of the people up to the truth but what I was trying to say is un troops coming across the border people have seen these clean-cut kids with perfect haircuts perfect physique and they don’t look like illegal immigrants coming across the border and they truly believe that they are United Nation troops but it’ll be great when those 8-hour sessions come up and we finally get the public to see the truth because many Patriots are starting to not believe and we need to bring this to a close so we can wake the people up so many people are frustrated right now but we all got to know that God is in control and he will bring it to an end when he wants it to come to an end so we just got to keep our faith and keep knowing that God is in control

Bill Looney
Bill Looney
1 year ago

Another thing I wanted to let everyone know about the prophets have said stay away from the new 5G cell phones they are programmed and designed to mess with your pituitary gland and mess up your brain they’re also putting purple lights on Street lamps that will mess with your brain so anybody that has a 5G phone don’t use it a lot it’s designed to mess with your brain and it is part of the luciferian chip the little chip that goes in your right hand is the same type of technology that is in the phones the cell phones the prophets have said that these phones can mess with your brain if you use them too much so try to stay away from your cell phones as much as possible the more you use it and glare at it the more it’s going to mesmerize you and suck you in this is not a joke this is real

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